Monday, November 28, 2016

FUE Equipments and their Use

Lots of improvements can be seen in the types of equipment and instruments of Follicular Extraction Unit which is a competitive hair transplant procedure as compared to strip harvesting in order to obtain donor hair for hair transplantation.

In the FUE hair transplant, physicians used to remove one follicular unit at a time with the target of choosing that hair follicles that are most likely to thrive and grow hair in the recipient site. Therefore, this technique requires more skills of a physician and hence the cost is more than that of strip harvesting.

As the FUE hair transplant evolved, there has been a quite development in the instruments that are used for harvesting follicular units.

Here are some types of equipment used for FUE:

· The Manual Punch:

It is a circular hollow scalpel that has the diameter of approx 0.7 to 1.0 millimeter. This kind of instrument is an original FUE instrument. The punch is placed over the visible area of the FU and then with manual rotation, it is pressed downward in order to incise the skin around Follicular unit, which in turn gets free from surrounding tissue. Then by traction with forceps, FU is extracted.

· The SAFE System:

The SAFE System is another name of the three-step manual process. In the first step, the use of sharp circular punch in order to incise the skin around FU, in the second step, the use of blunt circular punch is there to loosen the FU from tissue and the third step involves extraction.

· Powered SafeScribe:

It is basically a motorized device that is used to extract follicular units along with minimal potential and then deliver them to the transplantation process. The use of this device can reduce the time of extraction sessions, can reduce the scarring and can increase the rate of the undamaged number of the hair follicle.

· RotoCore:

This device is used by the physician in order to pre-set the punch in order to get a selected depth. It helps in automatically rotation of the punch.

· The Feller Instrument:

This instrument combines the whole FUE procedure into a single instrument that helps in working with more efficiently and in a fast way.

· NeoGraft:

It is a mechanical device that helps in rotating the punch and helps in moving the FU collection to a tray to allow it to hold 50 FUs for awaiting transplantation.

If you will go with hair transplant in Punjab then you can definitely get the treatment with all these advanced equipment and you will get 100% satisfactory result for sure.

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